NL-100 is a bypass fat powder for ruminants made from fractionated palm fat without trans fatty acid. It is rich in C16 (Palmitic Acid). As a triglyceride, it contains the natural percentage of glycerol.
NL - 100
(Rumen Protected
Bypass Fat)
So Why pick NL-100?
Rumen protected bypass fat
100% vegetable oil origin
High energy dense product
High palatability
Improves milk production
Promotes butter fat content
No chemical bond & No interaction with micro flora in the rumen
Rich in Palmitic acid (C:16)
Stable at all weather conditions
Improves reproduction, maintains BCS (body condition score)
Shortens the calving intervals
Recommended application
Up to 5% in compounded feeds. 350-500 grams/cow/day in TMR's. As recommended by nutritionist
What are the problems that farmers face?
Milk comes in as one of the highest demands for farmers therefore the need to increase the production of milk. However, cattle are not at their optimal when going through the process of calving when it comes to energy output and the regular intake of food does not suffice due to the feeding limit and the amount of energy needed not corresponding.
More energy required for calving and lactating
Food intake cannot be increased
Loss in energy
Milk production lowered
Since more energy is required when producing milk at this stage, body fat and other nutrients are used as replacement nutrition to supply energy but this causes cows to lose weight and become unhealthy
NL-100 or rumen bypass fat provides the necessary development and cancels out the replacement of nutrients when cattle lacks energy, maintains milk production aswell as increasing energy output.
Rumen bypass fats are processed, dried out fats that are mixed with animal feeds. They allow for more energy output due to a high fat content while maintaining food intake aswell as providing the energy needed for lactation and calving & keeping them healthy in the process.
Fat produces 37.7 kj/gram compared to carbohydrate at 16.7 kj/gram making it the most energy dense feed ingredient.
What is Rumen Bypass Fat?
Many other forms of fat fed unprotected would create coats of fibre along the rumen that would eventually prevent fibre breaking microbes to enter and work, formally known as sub-optimal fermentation, this reduces energy supply significantly. Rumen bypass fats pass through the rumen without affecting fermentation and is digestable by the cow's intestine.
Their fatty acids are so saturated that they go through the rumen without causing any negative effects.
Therefore, the fats remain stable even when the pH value is low
As a rule of thumb, there is no need for the cow to get used to it in the beginning as compared to saponified fats where the acceptance is lower and there’s a risk of udder oedema.
Established in 2008, NUTRA LIPIDS (M), is an enterprise that sources and produces specialty fats and fatpowders in Malaysia and for the world. Our corporate mission is simple: "To provide cost saving benefits to the livestock industry through the supply of value-added products with viable solution packages".
(+6) 03-5569 1686 / 5569 5886